Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Last Manga Book Club Meeting, February 20, 2010

Hi, all. I want to announce that our next meeting, February 20, will be the last meeting of the Manga Book Club--at least for a while. I've gotten a new job and will not be the children's librarian at the North Branch anymore. So, sadly, the Book Club will be suspended. I've had fun, even when things got over excited and chaotic, and I will miss you. Thanks, Miss Susan

When: Saturday, February 20, 4:00-6:00pm
Where: Mesquite North Branch Library


Lyntha Tye said...

I hope one day the Manga Book Club will start up again. Good luck in all your endeavors and much success to the library!

carolyn sueo said...

Is there a bookclub meeting during the day in mesquite?